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About Downtown Red Wing

Downtown Red Wing sits nestled in the valley of the bluffs along the Mississippi River. It’s home to restaurants, locally owned restaurants, retail, and service businesses. The Historic St. James hotel and the Red Wing Shoe, Co. global headquarters line Main Street.

History runs deeply here, but we are poised to launch into the new decade. Our building stock dates back to the founding of our city, but investment by building owners, the City, and the State has helped bring us to today. However, many of our second-story buildings in downtown are either vacant or underutilized. Some are trapped in the early 1900’s, even.

Red Wing Downtown Main Street is tired of hoping investment will happen and instead we are working to invite investors and developers to our town.

Key demographics of Red Wing

Population: 16,412

Average Age: 42

Married: 43%

Number of Homes: 7,896

Estimated median household income (2017): $63,399

Estimated median house or condo value (2017): $205,233

Median gross rent (2017): $811

(source: http://www.city-data.com/city/Red-Wing-Minnesota.html)

Additional Resources

To learn more about the City, please visit the following resources:

City of Red Wing

Red Wing Port Authority

Red Wing Ignite

Red Wing Chamber of Commerce

Red Wing Visitors and Convention Bureau